How to Understand Blood Pressure Readings

We’ve all been to the doctor’s office and got our blood pressure checked, but what do those numbers mean? Hypertension or high blood pressure is the most common diagnosed health condition with a reported 68 million Americans are currently living with high blood pressure. Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to things like heart […]
Ways Spring Cleaning Contributes to a Healthier you

Spring cleaning is a tradition that allows us to freshen up our homes and get a head start on the often-hectic seasons of spring and summer. The idea of tackling every dust bunny, stubborn stain, and cluttered nook and cranny can feel overwhelming. What if spring cleaning could contribute to living a healthier lifestyle? Here […]
What to Know About Cold Sores

Around 50 percent of people in the U.S. carry the virus that causes them to experience a cold sore at least once in their lifetime. But what exactly are cold sores and where do they come from? Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are small, fluid-filled blisters that appear around the lips and mouth. These […]
Flu and Coronavirus Tracking February 23, 2022

These CDC US reports includes all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Palua, Republic of Marshall Islands, and US Virgin Islands. These are cases reported to the CDC since January 21, 2020. Nationwide there have been 78,060,327 reported cases and 926,497 reported deaths associated with COVID-19. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director at the National Center […]
Five Tips to Manage Dry Skin

Did you know that having dry, itchy, or cracked skin during the winter is more common than not? The cold, brisk air can leave your skin feeling chapped and dried out. Below we have a few tips to help alleviate and prevent dry skin! Hydrate from the inside. A helpful step to healthy, glowing skin […]
Flu and Coronavirus Tracking February 9, 2022

These CDC US reports includes all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Palua, Republic of Marshall Islands, and US Virgin Islands. These are cases reported to the CDC since January 21, 2020. Nationwide there have been 76,246,964 reported cases and 898,216 reported deaths associated with COVID-19. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director at the National Center […]
When Stitches Are Required For A Cut

Cuts and Scrapes are bound to happen, and many can be treated at home. But… how do you know if something just needs a band-aid or requires stitches? The first step with any cut or scrape is to clean the wound with soap and water and pat it dry with a clean towel. If needed, […]
Flu and Coronavirus Tracking January 26, 2022

These CDC US reports includes all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Palua, Republic of Marshall Islands, and US Virgin Islands. These are cases reported to the CDC since January 21, 2020. Nationwide there have been 70,206,220 reported cases and 862,494 reported deaths associated with COVID-19. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director at the National Center […]
Choosing Masks: The Good, The Better, and The Best

Masking is a critical tool for preventing the spread of COVID-19. The CDC continues to recommend that anyone over two years old wear protective masks that fit well and can be worn consistently. Masks and respirators are made to contain droplets and particles that you spread when you breathe, cough, or sneeze. They also provide […]
Jumpstart 2022 with these Tips to Sticking to a New Year’s Resolution

For some, a New Year’s resolution is a tradition set every January 1st. The promise to continue good practices, change a behavior, accomplish a goal, or everyone’s favorite ‘lose weight’ are a few that are on top of the list. Did you know that more than half of all resolutions made fail? Here are a […]